Great things can happen when we get together....

It’s almost exactly a year since we decided to hold our first event to support two wonderful charities The ​Beatson Cancer Charity & Pancreatic Cancer UK.

We were delighted to give each charity £5000 and to support numerous smaller local charities with donations of ​soft toys for Christmas appeal, concert tickets for young people with cancer and bikes for Action for Children ​Scotland.

This year we have been super busy and we have new charity partners that we will be supporting. We started out ​in May lending support to a wonderful charity called Doing it For Daniel.

We were able to produce their ladies lunch event where they raised an amazing £36.000 for their charity.

We are also supporting the Kaya - Kinship Awareness for Young Adults. It’s just awful that cancer kills so many ​children and young people, both these charities are firmly focussed on research, detection and care for children ​and young people affected by cancer.

We will continue to assist and support with expertise and practical help when we can.

Our big event this year is our Christmas Lunch, we are looking to “Make a Difference at Christmas” and to ​support the work of Action for Children Scotland right here on our doorstep,

They offer a broad range of services including help for families with disabled children, residential and respite ​care and services for young carers.

All children and young people should be able to believe in the magic of Christmas and to have a treat or just ​some much needed support to help them switch off from the weight of responsibility and worries that they live ​with daily.

We will always support cancer services particularly Pancreatic Cancer, and this year is no exception, we will be ​supporting The Beatson Cancer Charity again and they will direct these funds to those affected by Pancreatic ​Cancer.

My mum continues to be my guiding light and inspiration, she was the kindest and best person I knew, I miss her ​every day and try to honour her memory with this work, it’s for all of us who have lost someone we loved, we ​want to help others who are having a difficult time in their life.

We really can make a difference in a day, we can do great things together.

Thank you for your support,

Kim x

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Our Charities

Details for 2024 events are coming very soon!

Sponsorship Opportunities

We will be intriducing sponsorshi opportunitiues for our programme of events in 2024

Please check back in the New Year for more detials, alternatively to note interest please contact us.


Details for 2024 events are coming very soon!

Gallery 2023

Our host Suzie McGuire

Our sponsor Sarah of Grace Health & Fitness

Our £1000 Winner!

Our sponsor Dr. Lauren The Choir

Glamorous & Fabulous

Mother of The Bride by Joyce Young Collections

Blushing Brides By That Special Day Bridal

On Trend Party Wear By Quiz

Nation Radio Scotland’s fabulous Suzie McGuire will be ​front & centre hosting, she is the best in the biz.

We are delighted to have her take us through what will be a ​fabulous day!

These amazing girls will welcome you to the venue, what an ​absolute treat. They play with Isle of Arran Music School ​Pipe Band and Arran Pipe Band and have competed at the ​Piping World Championships.

We are so pleased to have Newton Mearns Community ​Choir share their magical blended voices in a special ​arrangement designed especially for our event!

I cannot wait to hear them fill the room with their beautiful ​voices.

The marvelous Men of Motown are our headline entertainers.

We will be dancing the day away to classic Motown & R’n’B

It’s a soundtrack that we all know & love. Look forward t ​meeting you all on the dancefloor 💃🏻